Language courses – Italian & English

Language courses

Social and Business Language courses have been delivered for over 5 years via direct learning and recently also by skype taking students up 2 levels in 4-6 months.  We have consistent success stories.

Most people come to me with intermediate spoken language – they are hungry for the next step: being able to speak without stress and fear.

I specialise in relaxing the conversation experience.

Today I have dozens of students and ex-students using English in their work and daily lives.

The transition is made quickly and permanently.

Removing communication blocks

Learning communication skills – Active listening techniques

Re wiring cultural understanding

Good language skills depends not on speaking perfect English – learn to communicate with clarity is the absolute rule.  There are 5 methods to do this.  We can learn and perfect these methods in 6 weeks.

For rates and student discounts contact me directly.

Nick Garrett

Chat Time’ on FACEBOOK

CTS Chat 'n Skype Group Italy - English Conversation Building    

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