Resonant learning or Resononsense?

Morphic Resonance

Rupert Sheldrake (born 28 June 1942) is an English biochemist and plant physiologist. He is known for having proposed an unorthodox account of morphogenesis and for his research into parapsychology. His books and papers stem from his theory of morphic resonance, and cover topics such as animal and plant development and behaviour, memory, telepathy,perception and cognition in general. His publications include A New Science of Life (1981),Seven Experiments That Could Change the World (1995), Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home (1999), and The Sense of Being Stared At (2003). 

Sheldrake’s ideas have often met with a hostile reception from some scientists, including accusations that he is engaged in pseudoscience.
25 March – 27 June 2009

An experimental project for PSL by artists and artist collectives nominated by artist-led spaces from across the North of England. For the first 6 weeks the artists will be working at PSL using it as an extended studio space moving towards an exhibition from 13 May. Co-curated by Zoe Sawyer of theartmarket, the project examines the urge among artists to control the dissemination and production of art. PSL is open to the public throughout.

*The term ‘Morphic Resonance’ describes ‘the basis of memory in nature… the idea of mysterious telepathy-like interconnections between organisms and of collective memories within species’ (Rupert Sheldrake 1981).

Essential to Sheldrake’s model is the hypothesis of morphic resonance. This is a feedback mechanism between the field and the corresponding forms of morphic units. The greater the degree of similarity, the greater the resonance, leading to habituation or persistence of particular forms. So, the existence of a morphic field makes the existence of a new similar form easier.

Sheldrake proposes that the process of morphic resonance leads to stable morphic fields, which are significantly easier to tune into. He suggests that this is the means by which simpler organic forms synergetically self-organize into more complex ones, and that this model allows a different explanation for the process of evolution itself, as an addition to Darwin’s evolutionary processes of selection and variation.


noun \ˈre-zə-nən(t)s, ˈrez-nən(t)s\

Definition of RESONANCE

a : the quality or state of being resonantb (1) : a vibration of large amplitude in a mechanical or electrical system caused by a relatively small periodic stimulus of the same or nearly the same period as the natural vibration period of the system (2) : the state of adjustment that produces resonance in a mechanical or electrical system
a : the intensification and enriching of a musical tone by supplementary vibrationb : a quality imparted to voiced sounds by vibration in anatomical resonating chambers or cavities (as the mouth or the nasal cavity)c : a quality of richness or varietyd : a quality of evoking response resonance the scandal seems to be having — United States News & World Report>
: the sound elicited on percussion of the chest
: the conceptual alternation of a chemical species (as a molecule or ion) between two or more equivalent allowed structural representations differing only in the placement of electrons that aids in understanding the actual state of the species as an amalgamation of its possible structures and the usually higher-than-expected stability of the species
a : the enhancement of an atomic, nuclear, or particle reaction or a scattering event by excitation of internal motion in the systemb : magnetic resonance
: an extremely short-lived elementary particle
: a synchronous gravitational relationship of two celestial bodies (as moons) that orbit a third (as a planet) which can be expressed as a simple ratio of their orbital periods

Examples of RESONANCE

  1. the resonance of the singer’s voice
  2. His story didn’t have much resonance with the audience.


Middle English resonaunce, from Middle French resonance,from resoner to resound — more at resound 

First Known Use: 15th century

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